Why Choose a Devon Rex?
So like us you have seen a picture of or met your first Devon - and you are smitten. And you want to know more. What are they like to live with? What can I tell you? To give you my own analogy (from many years teaching 4 to 11-year-olds), if you can imagine a classroom full of children, each of which equates to a breed of cat, then the Devon Rex is the lovable rogue who clammers for your attention often in the most outlandish fashion. The one who no-one would call "handsome", or "beautiful" in the Brad Pitt or Jennifer Lopez manner, not chocolate box stuff at all, but the one with the "just out of bed" look, with a twinkle in their eye, who engages you immediately and who repays all your attention by showing you that underneath that street urchin exterior, beats a heart as big as the county he is named after.
That's a Devon.
Quirky and adorable.
Personality plus!
A cat that lovable deserves to be loved back.
Your average Devon is a finely honed athlete, with well-toned muscular structure. He clearly needs to keep in shape.
Poles and scratching posts, and or activity centres will help to keep your Devon babe in shape (and save your curtains!).
Your Devon may well engage you in the coaching process (you throw, and he or she will retrieve - repeatedly!). It's amazing what you can substitute for a frizbee - your Devon will select his or her very own household item.
Devons are very vocal - in a very conversational way - they provide you with a running commentary on the day’s events (rather like Five-Live) so you can normally pick up when things are getting a bit "fraught" by the change in tone or frequency of the voice. Listen out too for the characteristic hunting "chatter". This is not the early stages of a fit - just a "look what I've found" initial warning to all prey.
Contented purrs, however, begin from deep inside, and cause the whole body to vibrate and produce a sound somewhere between a wood pigeon and an outboard motor. There is no other sound like it! It is truly wonderful!