Caring For Your Devon
Devons have a modified coat so are not ideal for Arctic conditions – and, of course, they do love their creature comforts - duvets, radiators, and sheepskin rugs feature prominently on the list. And, of course, the best resting place of all – your knee - or armpit. If you are not available on a 24-7 basis to fulfill this basic requirement then a substitute Devon bed is called for which meets all identified needs and provides the opportunity for long, undisturbed sleep.
Devons also appreciate spotlessly clean litter trays and the same attention to feeding bowls and utensils that you would give to your own.
When awake, your Devon is a very intelligent animal, who needs to be engaged in challenging play. He could work out how to open the drawer containing your underwear to play with – or you can provide him with a selection of toys as an alternative – preferably for use with you, or a playmate. And of course, just like the child at Christmas, they often find the box and the wrapping paper far more stimulating to the imagination than the present itself.